Data Preparation

One of the most fundamental pieces in CTM is the data preparation. This allows us to generate embeddings and to use them to train the variational autoencoder.


This entire process is regulated by the TopicModelDataPreparation class.

from contextualized_topic_models.utils.data_preparation import TopicModelDataPreparation

# we first need to get an embedding model. This is based on distilroberta and trained on paraphrase
# data.
qt = TopicModelDataPreparation("paraphrase-distilroberta-base-v2")

Next, we need some data. This is just an example of the data we can pass to CTM:

text_for_contextual = [
    "hello, this is unpreprocessed text you can give to the model",
    "have fun with our topic model",

text_for_bow = [
    "hello unpreprocessed give model",
    "fun topic model",

You see that we have two lists: the first one contains the original documents while the second one contains the bag of words representation that is going to be used to generate our topic words. The original documents are the ones that are passed to the embedding model to create the contextualized representations.

To generate the embeddings you can simply run

training_dataset =,

Using Custom Embeddings

Note that you can also use your own Custom Embeddings if you want. You just need to change the way you fit the TopicModelDataPreparation object. Setting custom_embeddings to an array will skip the use of the contextual model to generate the embeddings and the embedding you will pass will be used.

def fit(self, text_for_contextual, text_for_bow, labels=None, custom_embeddings=None):


Underneath we are using SBERT, you should now that some SBERT models truncate your document to a max length. You should check this if you want to know more.

Nonetheless, changing the max length in CTM is easy:

from contextualized_topic_models.utils.data_preparation import TopicModelDataPreparation

# we first need to get an embedding model. This is based on distilroberta and trained on paraphrase
# data.
qt = TopicModelDataPreparation("paraphrase-distilroberta-base-v2", max_seq_length=200)